Tuesday, April 28, 2020

How International Economics Affects the Garment Industry in Cambodia

How International Economics Affects the Garment Industry in CambodiaIn order to understand how international economics affects the garment industry in Cambodia, you must first understand what an international economy is. In short, it is a place where goods and services are traded. An example of this would be a country that has a big oil refinery in their country. It would mean that they do not export any goods or services out of their country and it is almost impossible for these goods and services to enter their country unless they travel through their borders.Another example of an international economy would be a country that has a big aluminum company on their border. You cannot go anywhere in that country without having to have a vehicle to transport yourself. This is because the cost of the products that they produce in their country is almost twice as much as the products that you can purchase anywhere else.So in order to understand how international economics affects the garme nt industry in Cambodia, you must first understand how international trade impacts an economy. The countries of the world use currency to trade with each other. One way to think of it is as if your country is the United States of America. You go to your local supermarket, pick up some groceries and then purchase an American Visa card to take back home. This means that when you shop in the United States, you are actually buying food from abroad.When we talk about this economy, it is important to note that there is always an exchange rate involved. This is the exchange rate that the United States government uses to buy American dollars from foreign countries. If the government wants to spend more money, they have to lower the exchange rate to reduce the amount of dollars that they are borrowing against their currency.This is why it is very important to understand how international economics affects the garment industry in Cambodia. When the United States economy falters, so does the b usinesses that rely on their dollar and so does the whole of the global economy.These international economies make it so that goods and services cannot be bought and sold anywhere. Without this global market, you can imagine what might happen. Well in Cambodia, a lot of their economy relies on this market that does not exist anymore. In order to improve the way that international economics affects the garment industry in Cambodia, you must look into how global supply chains work.This is where all the different countries that make up the same global market come together. This market brings countries together so that they can trade. The goods and services that are exchanged are similar and as long as there is a way for these goods and services to enter the country, then there will always be a way for the country to sell its products and services out of its country.Understanding how international economics affects the garment industry in Cambodia can be difficult if you are not familia r with how global supply chains work. You can learn more about this from a local school of business, but if you are looking for an additional resource, then the best thing to do is to visit the website of Global Industry Alliance.

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